2024 Annual Learning Forum Session 4: Advancing Gender-Inclusive Democracy: Assessing Barriers and Opportunities

February 22, 2024

Thu | 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM EDT


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A key step towards achieving gender inclusive democracy is women’s political empowerment. Drawing on extensive research and expertise, this session details USAID’s updated Women’s Political Participation and Leadership (WPPL) Assessment Framework, and its special focus on men and elite gatekeepers. Following the introduction to the framework, we will present collected findings from eight country assessments using the framework, identifying patterns of problems, the barriers underlying them, and the openings that may enable effective programming for gender-inclusive democracies.   Click here to register now! 

The DRG Learning Forum is an annual event supporting the generation, curation, and dissemination of DRG evidence and technical methods for DRG practitioners. The forum followed two closely related tracks. The Findings track focused on what we have learned from the DRG Learning Agenda and focused on evidence and learning that can inform program design and implementation. The Process track focused on sharing through a series of salons how we learn and share evidence, best practices, skills and resources on key topics of interest in the DRG space. 

NOTICE: The DRG Bureau advises participants that the meeting will be recorded and will be made publicly available. As a reminder to all USAID participants, no internal Agency deliberations should be discussed in this talk and no classified, sensitive but unclassified (SBU), or procurement sensitive information should be shared. To avoid or minimize the collection of personally identifiable information (PII), all participants are asked to refrain from providing PII when coming off mute to ask questions or make comments. Any PII shared will be handled in accordance with USAID's Privacy and Security policies and applicable Federal law. Attendees who do not want to be recorded should remain muted. Attendees can also participate by posting any questions for the speakers in the Q&A feature.