The women’s political participation and leadership (WPPL) assessment in Fiji investigates the barriers to and opportunities for expanding women’s political participation and leadership in Fiji along socio-cultural, institutional, and individual dimensions. Despite a successful transfer of power following the 2022 general elections, women’s representation in elections and government positions remains limited due to complex barriers, including patriarchal gender norms, turbulent political history, and current political dynamics that do not value women’s political participation. The Fiji WPPL Assessment Report findings are derived from a desk review of relevant literature and USAID documents and 33 key informant interviews (KIIs) and eight focus group discussions (FGDs) with politicians, experts, activists, civil society organizations (CSOs), and media in Suva, Sigatoka, Lautoka, and Nadi. Relevant stakeholders can use the report’s findings to identify priority areas where their investments in programs and initiatives to support women’s political participation and leadership will have the greatest and most meaningful impact.
The document link is in the toolbar on the left-hand side. The full suite of WPPL tools are located here.
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